Assignment description

Download and play Lord of the Board: Backgammon from the App Store or Google Play

After playing the game, please answer the following:

  1. Describe the main characteristics and features of the game, divided by:
    1. Core loop
    2. Retention & engagement mechanics
    3. Monetization tools
    4. Virality and social components
  1. Create a short PRD document for a new feature that you believe will improve one or more of the following KPIs.
    1. Engagement
    2. Retention
    3. Monetization
    4. Virality
    5. Be sure to include in your PRD:
      • Clear Goal
      • Measurement KPI’s
      • Mockups
      • Diagram Flow
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a question or need extra coins to conduct your research.
Good Luck 😊